Shanghai International Fashion Week 2010

lady and the world, the colourful art exhibition

fashoinweekThis exhibition was part of Shanghai International Fashion Week, World Expo 2010. A selection of Shanghai’s top designers, Pan Hong, Liangzi, Qi Gang, Ji Cheng, Wu Xuekai, Frankie. Xie, Zhang Zhaoda, Guo Pei, Li Xiaooyan designed garments in response to the works of international female artists: Karin Hanssen – Belgium, Gill Bailey – USA, Denise Keele-bedford – Australia, Qingqing – China, Sarah Corynen – Belgium, Christina Ohlmer – Germany, Christine Clinckx – Belgium, Lin Xin – China and Dawn Csutoros – Australia. Well known Italian collector, Jaccassi, also exhibited in the show.

The event explored the relationship between women, the environment, fashion and the city. It was hosted and curated by Shanghai International Fashion Week steering committee, Netease media and Huitai Art Centre, Tianjin.

Black Diamonds 145.5 x 75.0 cm - ink, coal particles on mulberry paper

Black Diamonds 145.5 x 75.0 cm – ink, coal particles on mulberry paper

Pan Hong, whom the Chinese media refers to as “the legendary woman like Coco Chanel” created beautiful garments in response to my two paintings, Black Diamonds. Her design works are widely sought after by celebrities and entertainment stars alike and her tailoring brand PANS is synonymous with a classical elegance of style.

Raf de Smedt, former director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium delivered the closing address on the opening night, 8th April, 2010 following a fabulous runway show, complete with music, video projections of artists’ works and stunning garments.

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