Posts Categorised: Residency

Art Residency: Pickled Art Centre, Beijing

Dawn working in studio at Pickled Art Centre, Beijing, November, 2007

Dawn working in studio at Pickled Art Centre, Beijing, November, 2007

Following on from her commission for the Marriott Hotel in Beijing, Dawn undertook a 7 week residency at the Pickled Art Centre in Beijing working alongside local and international artists. Within this time Dawn was able to create and exhibit a new body of work using ink, tea and coal on traditional xian papers, and also acrylic paintings on linen.

This collection will be displayed at the Australian Embassy in Beijing in the coming months.

A long time student of Lao Tsu and the Tao Te Ching, along with twenty years of tai chi practice, Dawn felt at home in Beijing and loved her time painting, exploring Beijing and touring north to Cheng De, the Emperor’s winter resort with its many temples, Quing Queng Shan, a sacred taoist mountain in southern China and onto Shanghai.

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