Posts By: Dawn Csutoros

“Mysterium – Blue” selected for Hutchins Art Prize Finalist Exhibition

“Mysterium – Blue” (10x96x30cm, pigment on paper, 2015) has been selected for the Hutchins Art Prize, the winner will be announced on the opening night , 7th September in the Long Gallery, Salamanca Place, Hobart.  This internationally recognised Works on Paper Art Award  will continue till Sunday 20th September. If you’re in Hobart, please come along.Mysterium - Blue, 180x90x30cm, pigment on paper on perspex, 2015, dawn csutoros  copy 2

Kopi Healing – headpiece

This is a ceramic and mixed media headpiece I made recently at the Kopi Healing workshop led by Maree Clarke,  internationally recognised Koorie artist from the Murray River region, Australia.kopi healing headpiece copy

Benetton: Imago Mundi Collection of Contemporary Australian Art

I’m delighted to have this artwork “Per Sempre” (semi precious stones, 24 carat gold leaf, pigment on canvas, 10x12cm, 2015)as part of the Benetton Imago Mundi Collection of Contemporary Australian Art. The artworks will become part of the Benetton Foundation World Collection as a permanent Australian group collection that will travel the world.
Please see this link for further details Per sempre -- Imago Mundi - Venice Bienalle 2015 front, 10x12cm, semi precious stones (seraphanite, tourmaline) 24 carat gold leaf, pigment, 2015 copy 2