An Australia-China Contemporary Arts Exchange

nu yishu series v: viriditas

“Imagine Australia” – The Year of Australian Culture in China 2010 – 2011 ”

The Artists 2000 Foundation Incorporated is proud to introduce a fresh, approach to Contemporary female artists engaging with each other. As an ‘Imagine Australia’ event the Nu Yishu Art Exchange Project focuses on untangling misconceptions about the ‘other culture’ regarding Contemporary Art practise, broadening and opening opportunities for discussion on individual, cultural and social perspectives.

Nu Yishu Series V: Viriditas engages six Chinese and six Australian female artists partnership and collaboration with each artist responding to an artist partner; their art practice, philosophy, theories, techniques and influences, and creating new, fresh, invigorating artworks.

The twelve artists, whose art practices span installation, painting, photography, ceramics, assemblage and performance, from vastly different heritages and language base, are partnered to form six pairs. Each pair, whose art practice consists of different disciplines, for example a Chinese painter and Australian ceramic artist, interact and communicate. The artists are meeting for the first time via catalogues, Cd, website, and translated text. During 2010 they have taken up the challenge to participate in the Nu Yishu Art Exchange Project that culminates in the 2011 Touring Exhibition and Public Program starting in Melbourne and travelling to Tianjin and Beijing.

Australia is a multi-cultural country and Nu Yishu Series V: Viriditas showcases female artists who are rich in cultural diversity, with heritages from Italy, Hungary, France, England and Indigenous Australia.

Participating Chinese artists, all Beijing based in, come from Anhui, Sichuan, Hebei Provinces and Taiwan.

Nu Yishu Series V: Viriditas opens an exchange that increases knowledge and understanding with an outcome through art making processes and collaborative creation that stimulates further audience dialogue regarding differences and similarities between ‘East and West’.

Participating Artists:

China Australia
Cai Jin Gao Yuan Liliana Barbieri Megan Cadd
Xu Xiaoyan Feng Ling Dawn Csutoros Judy Trembath
Huang Yin Xie Dong Jane Annois Denise Keele-bedford

Nu Yishu Series V: Viriditas – Program 2011

March 2nd – 26th Manningham Gallery – Melbourne
Celebrating 100 years of International Women’s Day April
April 23rd – May 11th Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Gallery – Tianjin
May 14th Australian Artists workshops with TAFA Graduates – exhibition
May 29th Beijing (to be confirmed)

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