The River

fitz1Due to the multiple modes of “being of a place”, a strong sense of connectedness to the land can continue to exist across generations.  Even though circumstances change, care for the country can be and is displayed in many ways.

Within this project, we are celebrating this connection through the creative collaboration across all generations within the Fitzroy Crossing community in the Kimberlys.

The River – Life Force of Fitzroy, is an art project culminating in a 380 sq metre ground painting at the Guwardi Ngadu aged Hostel, an art project celebrating both time and place.


Over 80 people from the community were involved in the making, ranging from the elderly residents themselves, to schoold students, to nationally recognised artists such as Butcher Cheryl, Mona Chuguna, Maryanne Downes, Peter Skipper, Rosy King, Corrie Surprise, Daisy Andrews and Eva Lawford.

fitz3But most of al,l it was the core group of artists Janet Williams, Doris Doherty, Alice Brown, Helen Wunmariar and Nipper Rogers who worked so hard, over a period of 4-5 weeks creating this very vibrant and powerful painting.

It was a great privelege to be involved in the facilitation of this project. The experiences and memories I have of the people and the land at Fitzroy are very special and have had an enormous impact on me personally and on my own work.

pictures courtesy of Guwardi Ngadu, Fitzroy Crossing